Research Article
Published: 17 August, 2021 | Volume 5 - Issue 2 | Pages: 019-026
Objectives: Evaluation of the effectiveness the method of transcranial electrostimulation in treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders with the use of a patches by the company “Aganyan”.
Materials and methods: The study was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, participated 106 patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. All participants in were divided into tables according to gender, age and diagnosis. Each subject was given the “Aganyan” patches and a special brochure, in which the method of application was indicated in detail. The wearable patch includes a flexible substrate, a binder an adhesive layer, with an electrode foil attached to it. Patients applied one patch behind each ear. The patches were applied for eight hours every third day for three months.
To assess the effectiveness of therapy in patients the following tests were used: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale; MMSE Scale: Concise Mental Status Scale; diaries of observation of the patient’s condition to identify side effects; special brochures in which the subjects independently indicated the effects of the “Aganyan” patches. Tests were performed before and after the use of the “Aganyan” patches.
Results: When using the patches of the “Aganyan” company, none of the participants in the study had any side effects; According to the results of the Montreal test according to the criterion of memory and the MMSE test, the effectiveness of the patch was noted in patients with all clinical diagnoses. The greatest positive dynamics was revealed according to the results of the Montreal test according to the criterion of memory in patients with migraine (30%), insomnia (31%), vascular dementia (32%), and according to the results of the MMSE test in patients with diagnoses: cerebrovascular disease: consequences of a cerebral infarction brain (31%), vascular dementia (56%).
Conclusion: The patches of “Aganyan” company have proven its effectiveness through electrical stimulation with low-intensity current in patients in different age groups with different clinical diagnoses.
Read Full Article HTML DOI: 10.29328/journal.jnpr.1001041 Cite this Article Read Full Article PDF
Transcranial electrostimulation; Neuropsychiatric disorders; Patches of the “Aganyan” company
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